The Pearl, it comes from the ocean, it is born in the water. A pearl makes one think of a seashell, the notion of water and the ocean inherent in the pearl as an object. Most gems are found in the dirt in the earth, but the pear is developed and created underwater.
The project “Remember the ocean” can be seen as a keepsake or a snapshot of the sea, aspiring to catch or capture the recollection of the sandy shoreline and the sparkling sea. The color palette for this project is blue, white and beige, the same colors one can see when I look out over the oceanfront.
The work can be seen as remix or a montage of objects that are associated with the sea. The Mother of pearl elements were born in the water, and have a shine and a luster just like the sea. The seashells originate from the beach and the oak wood is driftwood trees from beach. Just like a remix the project aims to create a sensation by assembling specific premade elements in a particular order.